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Radon Testing in 2024 – Prevention from the Radioactive Gas

Radon is a colorless and odorless inert gas that is radioactive in nature. It is formed by the disintegration of uranium present in soil, rocks, and water. The worst thing about radon poisoning is that it passes undetected for a long time. It does not reveal any obvious symptoms initially, but it slowly progresses into lung cancer. 

This gas is classified as a lethal gas because there is no accepted safe level for Radon. In the United States, nearly 33 percent of houses had high levels of Radon present in them.  In fact, Radon is present in small traces everywhere in the air we breathe. 

Sources of Radon Exposure 

Radon does not have any instant effects on human health. It does not give birth to any immediate real-time problems, but it does create long-term impacts on people. Exposure to lethal amounts can cause lung cancer. Radon enters your house and stays trapped in the space for a long time. This is where the problem begins. 

Some of the common routes through which radon enters your house are through the following:

  • Some cracks or gaps in the cemented slabs. 
  • The joints in the walls
  • Floor gaps
  • Mortar joints
  • Well water
  • Soil kept in an exposed area
  • Leakage in the weeping tiles channels into an uncovered sump
  • Opening space in the block walls
  • Loosely fitted pipes

Radon often makes its way through water and enters your home. You get exposed to it when you utilize this water for everyday utilities such as drinking, bathing, cooking, etc. The primary source of Radon is the construction material used in building the house. Besides, The radon present in soil also plays a pivotal role in elevating the radon levels within a closed space. 

Within closed doors, the air pressure is relatively lower when compared to the outside. Therefore, it generates an attractive force that siphons most of the radon inside through openings. Then, it stays trapped within the cracks in the concrete or gaps in the walls. Therefore, Radon testing is an important step. 

Health Risks of Radon Exposure

There are mostly no symptoms, but you may incur a few of the following symptoms depending on your health condition: 

  • Coughing
  • Pain in chest
  • Appetite loss
  • Hoarseness in voice
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pneumonia or Bronchitis
  • Loss of Weight 
  • Lung Cancer

As per research conducted by the American Cancer Society, it has been found that Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States of America. Studies suggest that nearly 20,000 people lose their lives annually due to lung cancer caused as a result of radon exposure. Smoking can even further increase the risk to greater levels. 

How to Test Radon Exposure?

Radon is a colorless and odorless gas. Therefore, the only way to detect Randon levels is through Radon testing. Radon testing conducted by expert professionals can reveal the radon levels in your locality. Currently, there are several ways to reduce the radon level in the area. For instance, a proper ventilation system can significantly mitigate the radon level indoors and improve the indoor air quality. 

Why Choose ECOS As Your Trusted Air Cleanup Partner

  • Our live operator is present 24/7 throughout the week to assist with your needs.
  • You can avail of our service on whichever day you prefer. 
  • Our client’s safety is our priority, and we ensure that we offer the best solutions to remove all the toxic materials from the air you breathe.
  • Our superior quality tools and equipment are safe around your loved ones, pets, and other pricy household items.
  • We have a team of friendly and kind technicians.
  • Our expertise is supported by our years of industrial experience.
  • We offer affordable and competitive prices.

ECOS technicians are experts in determining if spaces are radon-contaminated. We have the tools and techniques to safely remove this toxic gas and ensure a better environment for you and your loved ones. 

Contact us, and we will look to secure your commercial or residential spaces from Radon.

ECOS Environmental