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Hoarding is the condition in which a person accumulates so many items that they cannot control the clutter in their home. They have a hard time or are unable to discard anything.

You may hoard if you have a strong desire to hold onto stuff. However, the fact that you are connected to these things may upset you. Additionally, hoarding’s effects can have an impact on your daily life.

A doctor can identify hoarding disorder as a mental health issue. However, hoarding may also be a symptom of some other psychiatric or physiological health issues.

Why do people hoard?

There is still much to learn about why people start hoarding.

It may be a sign of another ailment. For instance, a person with mobility issues would not be able to physically clean the enormous amount of clutter that has accumulated. Again,  a person with learning difficulties or someone who is developing dementia might not be able to sort through and get rid of things.

Hoarding is linked to a variety of mental health issues, including severe depression, psychotic conditions including schizophrenia, and compulsive behaviors (OCD).

Hoarding can occasionally be a disorder in itself and is frequently accompanied by self-neglect. 

Individuals who are inclined to hoard either reside alone or have had an unhappy upbringing marked by a lack of material possessions. They might also experience strained connections with family members growing up in a chaotic home. This is why perhaps they never learned to organize and prioritize their belongings.

Many hoarders have deeply ingrained attitudes toward obtaining and getting rid of stuff, such as “I might also need that eventually” or “If I acquire this, it’ll make me happy.” 

Others might be finding it difficult to handle a traumatic life event, such as the loss of a loved one and therefore, they resort to hoarding a lot of things attached to their loved ones.

Those who hoard might encounter the following feelings: 


  • Urge to purchase more even if they have the required amount of materials
  • Feel extremely happy whenever they acquire more goods
  • Due to the sentimental ties to some items, they feel sad or nervous thinking about throwing those items away
  • Finding it difficult to organize their belongings and decide what to keep and what to discard
  • Have frequent arguments about their views with those who are close to them


Between hoarding and collecting, the primary distinction is:


  • How the objects are arranged
  • To what degree does it impact your life?

Typically, collecting entails keeping particular artifacts, like stamps or vinyl recordings. Normally, you’d pick them carefully and arrange them in some fashion, like folders or display cases.

Normally, hoarding is less discriminating. It doesn’t entail organizing the items in a manner that makes them simple to utilize or obtain. A hoarder who is unaware of their problem may refer to herself as a “collector.” 

Hoarders frequently find it difficult to move around their homes due to the number of possessions they have gathered. Even maintaining and cleaning the home may be beyond the ability of the individual.

Hoarding can increase the risk of fire and other problems that could endanger the home’s residents’ safety. Additionally, rodent or insect infestations may pose a health risk as well if cleaning is not taken care of for a long time.

Living in an unclean environment, or filth is also a result of hoarding disorder.

The best way to get rid of the habit of hoarding is to include an outsider’s perspective. You can take the help of friends, or family or seek an intervention. 

Call ECOS for Professional Hoarding Removal Services in Colorado and the Nearby Areas

In addition to getting rid of damaged goods, this difficult work entails handling large mounds of trash, clearing out clutter, and cleaning the entire house. A trustworthy hoarding cleanup business should be contacted for quick results because the work might be time-consuming based on the extent of the hoarding.

If there is a lot of hoarding at your residence, you could require the assistance of a professional service. A business that specializes in rubbish removal and house cleaning services would undoubtedly have a lot to offer.

If you are dealing with a hoarding situation, and it’s time to restore the property to a safe environment, call Ecos Environmental & Disaster Restoration for professional hoarders cleanup now at 1-888-418-6443.


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