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All About Lead Paint Removal

All About Lead Paint Removal

Nearly 29 million American homes contain lead hazards. And the main source is the dust from disintegrating lead-based paint. Only a professional lead paint removal agency can get rid of all the particles safely. 

You and your family may suffer major health issues from exposure to lead paint chipping and dust. A child’s health and development can even get hampered by trace amounts of lead in their blood.

What Exactly is Lead Paint Removal?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the removal of painted surfaces or their covering or sealing to avoid contact are two options for lead paint abatement. Long-term upkeep and ongoing lead testing are no longer necessary after abatement.

To reduce lead paint dangers, you can take urgent action (“interim controls”). These include creating stiff barriers such as vinyl flooring and removing the friction that causes dust to accumulate in doors and windows. This method may need less money upfront, but ongoing lead-level monitoring is required.

You may choose the cleanup method that is best for you with the assistance of qualified lead paint inspectors.

The Importance of Lead Paint Removal

Understanding how crucial it is to remove lead paint from your house is one of the most important factors for lead paint removal. According to the EPA, lead-based paints pose a significant danger to more than 24 million American homes, that include, in some cases, the visibility of lead paint on some walls.

You should not, however, limit your attention to your walls. Lead paint may be present in antique furniture, jewelry, and toys.

No matter the age, lead paint can cause major health issues. Lead poisoning in adults can result in a wide range of complications, including abnormalities of the nervous system, blood, kidney, and reproductive systems.

Due to children’s high propensity for putting their hands or toys in their mouths, this age group is especially vulnerable. Their brains and neurological systems may sustain permanent harm from lead exposure.

Because of their weakened immune systems, pregnant women are another high-risk population. Low birth weight, early delivery, and even miscarriage are among the risks of lead poisoning in pregnant women.

Being exposed to lead does not necessarily result in lead poisoning, as would happen if a youngster chewed on a toy. Getting every last trace of lead out of your house is crucial since you can get sick from lead exposure through inhalation, skin absorption, and ingestion.

Methods of  Lead Paint Removal


To be honest, this is a drastic approach. When this method is deployed, the objectionable surfaces or features will be removed, and new windows, doors, woodwork, and other fittings will be put in their place.


Encapsulation is often the simplest and the least expensive approach. It entails applying a specially formulated paint-like coating by brushing or rolling. This coating forms a watertight bond and seals in lead-based paint. However, opening and shutting your doors and windows may cause the coating to erode or fade with time.

Products for encapsulation start at roughly $50 per gallon. A 1,200 to 2,000-square-foot home will cost between $800 and $1,400 to cover its surfaces.


Using this technique, the old surface is covered with a fresh one. This could be achieved by installing fresh drywall or cladding made of aluminum or vinyl over windowsills. You’ll have to deal with the exposed lead-containing surfaces in the wake of the event when the enclosed cover gets removed.


Lead-based paints can be removed using various techniques, including wet hand scraping with liquid paint removers or wire brushing. Your contractor might even have the option of wet sanding surfaces.

However, an electric sander that has a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtered vacuum is used in this procedure. Another choice is to manually scrape the paint off while using a low-temperature heat gun to remove it.

Open flame torching or burning, abrasive blasting, power washing without a system to catch water and paint chips, and machine sanding without a HEPA attachment are some of the prohibited lead paint removal techniques.

Let the Lead Paint Removal Experts of ECOS Help You Out

Make sure to seek out professional lead paint removal services, just like ECOS Environment & Disaster Restoration. We will not only save you from a lot of trouble but will make sure to fit our services within your budget.

Our team of highly professional individuals will thoroughly inspect your property and then offer you an estimation. Visit https://ecosenvironmental.com/lead-paint-removal/ and hire professional lead paint removal in Colorado and nearby areas.

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